Pencil Shavings

Thursday, January 30, 2003

In memory of a one-eyed fish
It is always sad when a fish dies. Granted that the yellow one-eyed fish wasn't my favourite pet, its still sad to see its stiff floating body.

Weird enough, last night I dreamt of my yellow one-eyed fish and twerp. I was trying to create this new fish tank concept where the yellow fish was in its own bowl in the middle of a larger tank which held twerp. Twerp is my orange-striped paradise. But the yellow one got out into the larger one and the two of them started going at each other. Interestingly, it was the yellow one going after twerp (usually it is the other way around) and what's weirder, it suddenly changed into a luo han in mid-chase, and a very handsome luo han at that. Maybe it is the vengence of a fish.

I have another sick fish with me. Its a fighting fish, my colleagues actually. I feel so nurturing when I crush up the worms for this fish. It lies at the bottom of the tank all day, and it can't swim straight. Think it has some fin rot too.

"My mother is a fish" - Faulkner

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Monday, January 13, 2003

human technology
Friedman, in his book The Lexus and the Olive Tree, shows a picture of a Jewish man placing his handphone on the wailing wall so that a relative on the other side of the world could say a prayer at the wall.

My father and I, when my grandma lay dying, placed a handphone by her ear, so that my sis could sing to her and say goodbye from a different continent.

When I leave my house in the morning, I bring all my friends in my pocket.

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