Pencil Shavings

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back to square one

I am back to square one with this blog — I have no readers, no expectations to live up to, no alter-ego — its only me.

Which is kinda odd because I find that I can only write with a "reader" in mind. But it doesn't matter for now. Like I said, I'm back to square one. I can write for me for now. I kinda miss the camaradarie of my virtual friends, but it's ok. I've been gone a long time. It will take a while.

Since I've been gone, Facebook has gotten really big. And I think it has changed the blogosphere in many ways.

For one, Facebook has squashed the anonymity of blogging. Suddenly people realise that it is ridiculous to be juggling so many alter-egos; suddenly I know the real names of the people whose blogs I read. Suddenly it's okay to sign off with your real name.

Facebook has made blogging easy and entertaining.

Which is good in some ways and bad in others, which is the way most things in life goes. I don't think I could ever be comfortable using Facebook other than to keep in touch with my friends. I have too many aquaintances on it. Do I really want them to know me that well?

So I've twittered, I've facebooked, I've flickred, I've twitpiced, and now I'm back. I'm really a blogger at heart.

So I start again.

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