Pencil Shavings

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Free stuff for all your concept mapping needs

Are you a visual learner? Do you like Concept Maps?

Want to see where your blog stands in relation to the World Wide Web?

Pencil Shavings in relation to the World Wide Web

This blog is the small red dot at the top right of the picture above. Apparently, the most important link on my page is Hackosphere.

Zoomed-in image

Click here to find out where your blog stands in relation to the WWW.


If you don't own a blog, perhaps you may be interested in this visual representation of the New Testament. Every single person's name is visible. How cool is that?

This map is created by Crossway. If you go to this page, you can click on any of the names to see who the person is related to. See picture below for the people related to Paul.

Crossway has also created visual representations of Popular Names of God in the Bible and Who Gets Mentioned Together in the New Testament.


If you like words and their definitions, check out Visual Thesaurus. It gives the various meanings of a word in a visual map. See the map for "love" below. The definitions are colour-coded for adjectives, nouns, adverbs and verbs too.


If you want to create your own concept maps, download CMAP, a free software that works for both Windows and Macs users. It is really cool and easy to use. It makes me wonder why I bothered creating all my grammar maps on Word.


Still can't get enough of concept maps? Check out Visual Complexity, your one-stop portal for everything visually complex.


Ok, I'm finally done.


Eric Siegmund said...

There's some pretty cool stuff here. Not sure what it's good for, but that makes it even cooler.

mis_nomer said...

Exactly. Anything that makes you do a double-take because it is so complex must be kinda cool.