Pencil Shavings

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Not a creature of habit

I'm not really a creature of habit. Some things that ought to be habits, I kinda do on a whim. Take brushing teeth for example. Before you get any funny ideas in your head, let me state unequivocally that I have clean teeth and fresh breath. Most of the time, anyway. And I do brush my teeth every morning.

But I don't do it out of habit. I do it because of my mouth is icky when I wake up, and my toothpaste has "icy mint" in cool blue letters on it, and it makes my mouth nice and icy and minty at the same time. That is why I have never liked those kids' toothpastes that has the same concentration of flouride and whatever-ide in it but tastes like a lollipop. What's the point of brushing your teeth with a lollipop? Or, for that matter, chicken-flavoured toothpaste?

I like icy mint. That's why I brush my teeth.

And when I came home today, I wanted some icy mint, so I brushed my teeth, and then I wanted some cheese bread even though it was 11:45pm. so I had some, with my clean chompers and all.

Oh, by the way, sometimes when I want icy mint, I have an ice-cold peppermint green tea instead.


Anonymous said...

my doggie loves chicken flavoured toothpaste :)

Anonymous said...

heh. I'm craving for a can of peppermint green tea now...