Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's my souped-up Mac!!

Haha. I'm so pleased. Bought a piece of 2GB Kingston DDR2 RAM for S$78 at Sim Lim.

It's quite easy to replace. These are the steps.

I love generic RAM. So does anyone want to buy my 512MB bonafide Apple RAM for say, S$15?

[On another somewhat relevant note, I am amused how uncharacteristically organised and disciplined I am when it comes to my computers. When I bought my macbook last year, I told myself that I would save the $304.50 and upgrade my RAM in a year's time, and gosh, I must have some internal clock or something, 'cos it has been a year and a month.]


Anonymous said...

now ram is at rock bottom prices. good time to upgrade.

mis_nomer said...

It is cheap now isn't it? I thought so too, but didn't know if I just didn't know the current market price. Then again, it can only get cheaper! Heh.

Anyone else up for an upgrade? :)