Pencil Shavings

Saturday, May 22, 2004

I'm tired. I've had two nights of lectures already (doing the powerpoint, which means I'm standing up the whole time and hanging on the speaker's every word, and also selling books and CDs, which means I'm counting lots of money and fretting when it doesn't add up). This is in addition to the two full day seminar sessions that is happening at the same time. I'm typing now so that I won't fall asleep. Need to go back in soon to collect the name tags back.. ooh..

I forgot I brought the hitchhiker's guide to work today. maybe i'll read that instead of typing in here. but i doubt it will keep me awake... oh so tired. where did all the coffee i drank go to? did it evaporate off my head? argh. arrrrghhh. more books to sell tonight, more powerpoints to click, more people to smile at and talk to, and miles to go before i sleep.

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