Pencil Shavings

Friday, June 25, 2004

blink blink

alright sleepyhead, you can get up now. it is after all 2:20pm in the afternoon and the sun is streaming in from the window, enticing the bald plant to grow more shoots. "grow more shoots! replenish your luxuriant leaves! i'll work my sunny disposition and convince the sleepy block to give you lots of prophylactic fish water! heck, maybe a fish will die and get buried by your roots! we can dream what we want can't we?"

we can dream what we want can't we?

erm, actually, no. sorry. you may not; you have not been cleared for access; you failed the qualifying interview; you are not cool beautiful awesome spectacular gifted perservering loyal determined smart lucky enough; you can however, if you wish, get an application from us for an ordinary sized dream. Hurry, 'cos Applications close in the next 26 seconds.


time's up baby.

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