Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

training for the race

the thought of being able to complete 10k gives me a high. This evening I will work on my endurance. I tend to hit a psychological barrier at the 15min mark, 30min mark, and the 45min mark. A few minutes before I hit the barrier, I start feeling really really tired and I think that my heart is beating much too loudly, and that I ought to stop running. Then I get to the 16th, 31st and 46th min and then I think I can run for another 20mins at least. It's weird. I will have to get over the 45min huddle this evening. Maybe 50mins ;) Which means it will either have to be a slow level jog (say Botanic or MacRitchie), or a very very slow Barker hilly jog (oh awfulness!).

I just calculated my run the day before yesterday. I did 5.85km in 37mins 10sec at Barker. That's at a pace of 9.44km/h! Cool :)

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Tim 4:8

Wouldn't it be interesting if I worked at godliness the same way I worked at training for the 10k? When you run, it gets easier and easier after each training cos of the muscle and endurance you build up. I wonder when you "practice" at godliness, whether it becomes easier and easier to be more paitient, loving, kind, self-controlled, joyful, peaceful, good, and gentle?

I was at the receiving end of an unexpected kindness today. This lady from Wesley MC bought me lunch from the wanton mee store with the words, "It's the first time I'm meeting you." When I protested, her friend said, "Auntie wants to buy for you.." It touched me.

If I was giving a sermon, I'll end with this proposal - Let's test the hypothesis. Pick one fruit of the Spirit you want to work on (say kindness). Train at it and see if it becomes easier and easier to be kind to others. Maybe one day you will become kind.

Maybe one day I'll become a runner :)

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