Pencil Shavings

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Sunday musings

I like writing. It makes my vague experiences concrete, validfying my existence.  

I have three pieces of toast in the oven.  One with tuna and cheese, one with cheese only, and one with nutella.  The nutella flavoured ice-cream (called bacchio) we bought at Gold Coast was really good.  Like the real stuff, but colder, creamier and less guilty.  I had three spoonfuls of nutella from the bottle today. Bottle to spoon to mouth. Yum. I yearn for the ice-cream.

Zaphenath-Paneah was the name Pharaoh gave to Joseph when he made him in charge of the land. It was an Eygptian name - a name from a land that God did not choose. I wonder if it would make a difference whether the story was true or if it was only a metaphor. Is my faith affected if it was only a metaphor? Must there be eternal absolute unchanging truth?  I fear becoming postmodern.

I am eating my toast in this order: cheese, tuna&cheese, nutella. What if there was no toast after all, and I am only telling you a story?  Would it make a difference to you?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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