Pencil Shavings

Monday, November 22, 2004

is this bliss?

Spent a happy week on course learning about flash, dreamweaver, and photoshop. The company was a 10 minute walk from my house, which meant that I was home by 5:30pm every day! The Parents got so used to me being home that they started calling me every evening to see if i wanted dinner which got on my nerves after a while, but i'm saying all that just to illustrate how much more "home" i've been last week than all year.

The course was alright. The people I took the course with were too slow though - and that dragged things out a little. I knew most of what they had to teach about photoshop, except for layer masks and creating logos, and flash was cool too. My manager whom i went with, who has a smile like exploding fireworks, got on my nerves by the last day, cos she talked too much and i kept having to undo her mistakes, but it was better having her there than being alone for lunch all four days. She was also alternatingly passionate and bitter about certain things - she told me that she thought that i was grossly underpaid and that they treated me no better than an `A' level student, which i would like to agree with on my worst days, and know that i have to take with a pinch of salt on the others. It is a virtue to be able to keep bitterness from taking root.

Now all i have to do with to spruce up this website, and see how i can integrate blogger and everything else. And of course get some work done.. eventually. :) Gosh I could be on course all year.

1 comment:

colinrt said...

haha... definitely bliss... what more can one ask for to be not working and still be paid for four whole days of learning a skill that will benefit you?! good for you... and yes... will be watching out for improvements to this website... heh heh... go wild!