Pencil Shavings

Thursday, November 04, 2004

running in the rain

Well, I've finally updated my running log after weeks of sitting around, eating twisties & chocolate chip cookies, watching tv, and consolidating fat.

When we started out on our jog yesterday, the air was cool and crisp, like fresh bedsheets. It was good to have S's familiar company. The cool crisp weather quickly changed though - before long it was pouring bucketfuls of water. Truckloads and whole reservoirs of water - it's strange that I didn't even consider that it would rain before we started, even though it has been raining just about every evening. By the time we got back, we were both drenched to the skin.

S and I always attract rain. The rain yesterday cannot compare to the time when we went jogging at Bishan and got caught in the monsoon. That time, there were an entire river flowing down the jogging path! We waited for the rain to get lighter in one of the shelters but it never did. Made a mad dash for it to the bus stop, then had to take very cold bus back, with two shoefuls of water. We even frightened some poor girl at the bus stop cos we looked so wet. She put her hand to her mouth and said, "Aiyoh." Haha!

ps. we have a new pedometer! :)

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