Pencil Shavings

Monday, May 05, 2003

There is something about blogs that capture the spirit of this age. It is a pullulation of information, emotions and opinions - but all of this is hidden behind a facade, an online idenity dismembered from the real self. Connection is everything. You are able to read the most intimate thoughts of an American girl living across the world in the sub-urban mid-west, and yet at the same time struggle to remember that the beggar sitting in the subway is also human.

I just entered this URL into for goggle to crawl though. It is a perverse attraction to be known.

But I'm not about to tell you what I think. smirk.

I had a conversation (one-way) with my colleagues about the meaning of fallicious reasoning concerning dandruff today. I was tired of being the butt of jokes, so I was lashing out at them. Of course they didn't know that I was doing so.

Cycled from Choa Chu Kang home yesterday. Gave me a high that night, woke up with aching shoulders.

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