Pencil Shavings

Friday, April 29, 2005

Breakfast at work

One of my juniors in college was full of awe when she came to visit my apartment once. It wasn't because my apartment was so clean or so cool (I wish!) -- it was because I had a toaster. I was like, "Toaster only what! Not like a 40-inch plasma tv." And then she gave this philospohical answer, "No. A toaster means that you are committed." Huh??

And then she explained, "It means you are committed to staying and waking up in this place day after day 'cos you are committed to making breakfast, 'cos you have a toaster." It was all slightly over my head.

I wonder what she will say to me now if I tell her that I have a toaster at work. The implications are somewhat depressing.

1 comment:

GK said...

Maybe it only means that you really like toasted bread, haha.