Pencil Shavings

Monday, January 07, 2008

First day back at school

I woke up cantankerous.

Then I got productive.

I had a cup of coffee, ate a slice of cheese bread, printed my timetable, a claim form and a result slip, sent an email I've been procrastinating about, got a quick reply and the promise of payment, added three tasks to my to-do list, made a phone call to arrange an work appointment, sent another email, addressed a birthday parcel to a friend in the US, took a shower, got changed, and am now sitting on the floor blogging and scanning "Sanctum" by Will Eisner.


Anonymous said...

Cantankerousness followed by productivity.

That pretty much sums it up for me.

That Janie Girl said...

What a productive chica you are!

Went and checked my mail today after being gone 2 weeks and there was your Christmas card! Thanks!!!