Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Taking the new year by the horns

Happy 2008 everyone!

Had a bit of a weird moment yesterday when M said that she would consider settling back in Singapore in 2010, and I thought, what? That's ten years away! And then it dawned on me that I've been living on some other planet 'cos it is 2008 already. Where did the last eight years go?

I'm starting this year with fear and trembling.

But I want to take it by the horns, be my own person, and not let my life slip away from me.

So, my double-barreled resolutions.

1. To be more positive and less of a worry wart.

I really need to stop thinking about everything that can possibly go wrong in any given scenario. This super-ability makes me quite a good event planner, but socially, it makes me a wet blanket and just not very fun to be with.

I also need to be more positive and trust God more with things I cannot control.

2. To find myself and look outwards more.

I spent the last bit of 2007 completely wrapped up with my own problems. Life is bigger than that. It is going to be hard to do — in a way, it is impossible to look outwards if the centre is not stable — so I will try to find myself first.

Two double-barelled resolutions should be more than enough for me.

Have a great year ahead. God bless you and your loved ones!


Anonymous said...

Happy new year to you as well. yay for horns. that way, we get something to hold on to when it starts trashing us ;P

mrdes said...

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, but what are the specific steps you've to take towards your resolutions? Pardon my intrusion; somehow I kept returning to this blog. Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Elle! :)

mrdes, don't worry about being intrusive. Your comments are always welcome on this blog.

About my specific steps.. For number 1 (being more positive), I'm going to stop my compulsive habit of recounting freak accidents/ tragedies/ stupid things people do etc. even when it seems pertinent to the conversation. I cannot help storing these stories, but I can make an effort not to bring it up.

I have other specific steps too.. but I kinda need to make it blog-friendly and I've running late for an appointment.. Will tackle it another day. Have a happy new year!