Pencil Shavings

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Loose limbs flying

Sometimes when I run, I imagine myself a lanky teenager, limbs loose and flying, totally free. It is a great feeling.

Tonight's run was interesting. I saw a taxi driver urinating into a drain by a fairly deserted pavement. He gave me a furtive embarrassed look as I ran by. I also saw a big double-deck SBS bus getting its tyres changed by the street. Huge wheels the bus had. They had to use a drill to get the nuts out.

I saw runners, shop keepers, teh drinkers, cyclists, pedestrians, taxi drivers, adults, teenagers, children; I saw you.

Distance: 11.6km
Time: 75mins
Speed: 9.3km/hr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You probably didn't see me, but it sounds like you had fun. :)