Pencil Shavings

Friday, January 14, 2005


If I were to categorise the subjects of my posts, an entire category will be reserved for breakfast.

Toast, melted butter, melted cheddar cheese, and a cup of hot tea. Now I'm ready to begin.

1 comment:

Shawn Cuthill said...

Speaking of breakfast, I was reading a manual for my upcoming trip to Israel and one of the aspects of Kosher that I did not anticipate was the forbidden mixing of milk and meat.
The manual pointed out that in Israel there is no cream or milk served with tea/coffee just incase meat has been consumed during the meal.
A verse from Deuteronomy is the basis about "not cooking a kid (goat) in it's mother's milk".
I'm looking forward to reporting on what breakfast foods are served over there :) Stay tuned.