Pencil Shavings

Thursday, January 13, 2005

My restless ghoul

Don't you just hate it when you have to pick up after someone's mistakes?

I wish the powers-that-be will quit treating me like a clerk and realise that my skills exceed taking calls, printing photos, designing layouts, and fixing computer issues. I covet responsibility, advancement and affirmation - a sprinkling of all three will quell my restless career ghoul.


colinrt said...

Hi there...

I know how you feel and commiserate... one thing you can do though... take the initiative to do things that need doing (without being told to) and do it so well it blows the socks off your boss/supervisor... also, whenever there's stuff to be done that no one wants to touch, volunteer and likewise, blow their socks off... show them you have what it takes to take on more stuff, they may learn to rely on you more and more... remember - the blow their socks off part is vital...

colinrt said...
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mis_nomer said...

Haha! Thanks for the tip! Think I should buy boss-man a pair of socks for Chinese New Year? ;)