Pencil Shavings

Thursday, January 27, 2005

mutant plant

I found this under my desk at work yesterday. Do you see the roots extending from the base of the leaf? The human equivalent, so morbidly put by my doctor friend, is to have a leg grow in place of an amputated arm.

On another note, do you think doctors are morbid? I read in NY Times that most doctors are boring because they know too many secrets. They ask socially taboo questions with impunity - What colour is your stool? Is it watery, hard, or like rabbit droppings? When was the last time you had sex? How many units of alcohol did you consume last month? Exactly where did you say your rashes were? So when they meet the said patient in a social setting, they can't think of anything to say without embarrassing everyone, and so they keep quiet and stay boring.

If you want to read the confession of this boring doctor, you can find it here.

1 comment:

mis_nomer said...

multiple sunflower heads???? whoa... that's far out.