Pencil Shavings

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Farce Around the M.R.T.

"And now we interupt this tedious blog journey to say that Pencil Shavings is brought to you today by the letters `F' and `T', and the vowels `A' and `R'."

The guy beside me on the train this morning had serious flatulence issues. Seriously, every two minutes or so, I would hear a disturbing sound being emitted on my right. It sounded like someone puckered his lips and forcefully blew air through them so that they vibrated with sound, except his was more, how do I put it?, erm.. air-filled. This lasted all the way from Changi Airport to City Hall, where I thankfully got off the train for the shorter leg of my journey.

Typically, the train at the morning peak hour was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was either asleep, reading the papers, or quietly sulking about having to go to work. Or at least all was quiet until..... bthpthpthpthpth! I watched amusedly as the commuters sitting in front of me glance furtively to their left, some with looks of disgust, some with bewilderment, and perhaps a scary few with admiration. The man in question would continue to look non-chalantly at his reflection, completely unaware of the furtive glances in his direction. Then everybody would get back to what they were doing, until the next interuption erupted.

All I can say is that I'm glad I don't take this train everyday.

N.B. I am truly sorry if said person had stomach problems, or had to breathe through an unmentionable hole, or has had a tracheostomy.

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