Pencil Shavings

Monday, February 07, 2005

sometimes you just gotta laugh out loud

I got this in my mail today:

"Dear mission supporter and friends,

`...As recommended by a few churches and individuals, we will launch another MISS A MEAL FOR MISSIONS for 8 days during the Holy Week from 20 to 27 March 2005...'

`...During these 8 days, you and other members from your family and friends are encouraged to miss a meal (either a breakfast or lunch or dinner or supper) and contribute the estimated cost for the missed meal into a MISS A MEAL FOR MISSIONS BOX that upon your request we will give to you...'

`...Alternatively, if you and other participants do not intend to miss a meal, you can continue to pray for mission needs and contribute the cost of the supposedly missed meal for missions in the designated box...'"

heehee. For all of us with weak wills and strong stomachs, the MISS A MEAL FOR MISSIONS BOX!

1 comment:

colinrt said...

haha.... this was funny... it's like if you can't fast and give us the money, give us the money anyway... what a great lesson in opportunity cost! ;-)