What if we had up-to-date media coverage of Jesus' execution the same way we are seeing the Pope's funeral on TV? What if the Pope suddenly got up, dusted himself off, smiled and said, "Hello"?
"Today, we are bringing a special report from Golgotha, also known as The Place of the Skull, where criminals have been hung for their terrible wrongdoing for centuries and centuries to come.
"Behind us you will see the three crosses on the hill. On the cross in the centre hangs Jesus of Nazareth, 33 years old, brought to the gallows for blasphemy. Just this morning he was almost allowed to go free in Pilate's court, but the mob shouted and became unruly, and Barabbas was let go instead. We managed to catch up with Barabbas for this exclusive interview:
Interviewer: Mr Barabbas, you should be the one hanging on that cross right now. What do you think of this morning's recent turn of events?
Barabbas:Well, I don't know how to describe how I feel right now. It is like, I should be there (points to cross), but I am here. And I didn't do anything. Someone just started shouting my name, and then... I can't describe it...
"Thank you Mr Barabbas. Well, it looks like Jesus isn't dying anytime soon. We'll be back after the break to bring you a minute to minute update of the political intrigue surrounding the execution of Jesus of Nazareth."
"Welcome back. Jesus of Nazareth died yesterday at noon and we are standing in front of the cave where his body is in. Rumour has it that this cave, in an expensive part of town, belongs to Arimathea, a high-ranking official in Herod's court, but he has neither affirmed nor denied the rumours. Behind me are two elite Roman guards guarding the grave from theft, and the stone is sealed by the seal of Ceasar himself.
"Mourning is restricted to a very small section of the Jewish community, primarily women and children. It is hardly conceivable that just one week ago this same man came into Jerusalem amid an elated crowd shouting "Hallelujahs!" and bearing palm leaves, and now, he is dead, and even his disciples have disappeared."
"Breaking News. It is noon-time and we are standing in front of Jesus' grave. The seal has been broken; the stone has been rolled away; and the guards are nowhere in sight. There is a rumour going around that some people have seen Jesus alive! Just as he promised to do! They say that Mary Magdalene and Martha, both Jewish women, have seen him and touched his feet..."
"Welcome back to Jerusalem News, where we given you minute to minute updates of the day's prime news. Conclusively, the body has been stolen. All Roman officials have been called up in the search for the stolen body. We have give further updates as they come in, and until then, God's peace be with you."
Interesting article!
wow, that is an excellent way to contextualize the gospel.
that was me by the way
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