Pencil Shavings

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cycling day

Cycled to work today on my newly oiled bicyle. The brakes still squeak though -- not sure what to do about that.

You can always tell a taxi is coming up behind you. It's engine sounds like a clogged up bus.

I left a little later than normal and the roads were slightly more crowded with vehicles. Actually got honked at twice this morning, which is two times more than usual, though both were fairly friendly honks, as far as honks go anyway.

I wish the government would promote cycling as a means of transportation by accomodating cyclists on the roads or pavements. Cycling is an excellent alternative to driving and it fits in the government's agenda so well. Look at all these benefits!

  1. It promotes a healthy lifestyle.
  2. It alleviates the traffic problem.
  3. It increases the sense of a life well-lived.
  4. (Let me explain. For some reason, Singaporeans tend to associate a good life with what a person has -- car, condo, etc. But the fact is that this little island state cannot accomodate as many cars as the rising affluent (hence the high Certificate of Entitlement prices). If cycling is promoted, less cars are needed for the same sense of well-being.)
  5. It propagates the idea of a rugged Singapore. (cough)

1 comment:

mis_nomer said...

Hi Eric, thanks so much for your advice. I'm quite sure I have rim brakes on mine. Will go home to adjust it and see if it works. :)

And, I love this tip --

"The front end of the brake pad should touch the rim ever-so-slightly before the rear end."