Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


  1. Having coffee before I leave the house means that I am hyper the whole bus journey to work and I have three blog posts drafted in my head by the time I step into office.
  2. Love is found in a bowl of pumpkin soup:
    Hello ****, I am grumpy today even though I don't have to work overtime. Thinking of making you pumpkin soup tonight.
  3. With regards to blogging, I am the flea on top of the dog's head.
  4. With regards to work, I am the flea on top of the flea's head.


colinrt said...

no comments from anyone? how disappointing... particularly so when there's so many enigmatic fragments compressed into four very tight bullet points...

let me start by saying that i have found love at the bottom of my bowl of curry as well on several occasions... quite heartwarming actually as it hits one on two different levels... the spicyness of the curry releasing a burst of mind-warping endorphins... and then, the love mixed in with the gritty bits of curry, tiny chunks of potato and small meat fragments at the bottom... yums...

with regards to the flea statements... i have absolutely no idea how to interpret them...

with no malice intended whatsoever, are you saying that you're a parasite with a big-picture view in blogs and the same buggy thing with a smaller view at work? if so, you gotta give yourself more credit... you've got pretty original stuff here, as far as i can see... :-)

mis_nomer said...

Yay for pumpkin soup and big bowls of curry! :)

Can always count on you for a comment :) Even when what I'm saying doesn't make any sense.