Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Movie overload

Midnight. I'm chomping down on cold samosas and writing in this blog. There is a big 1.25l bottle of cold water beside me, and I take a glug every three bites or so. This school business is throwing my meal-times way out of whack.

Watched The Home Song Stories tonight. This has nothing at all to do with the quality of the film—it is a good show— but I feel like if I have to suspend my disbelief one more time, I will, well, keel over and die. Too. many. movies.

In other news, Joan Chen is gorgeous in the movie. It's for people like her that cheongsams were made for, if you know what I mean. Uncle Joe is good-looking too.

Okay, I'm going to put the rest of the cold samosas back in the fridge now...

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