Pencil Shavings

Friday, February 29, 2008

Inflation woes

The egg prata from the prata shop near my place now costs $1.40!! And the kosong prata costs $0.70! Am I that old? They cost $1.20 (egg) and $0.60 (kosong) just last year. I mean, I remember when it used to cost $0.80 and $0.50.

Sigh. I sound exactly like my dad when he tells me that 10 cents got him a large bowl of fish ball mee some forty to fifty years ago.

I should have eaten more prata in primary school.

Five ways to beat inflation, by Ms Nomer

  1. Buy stackloads of those stamps for local use only. You'll still be able to use them in ten years times, and by then, you'll be gloating how you got your stamps at "half-price".
  2. Spend now, use later. Your dollar is bigger today than tomorrow anyway. Need a coffin in approximately fifty years time? Why not buy it now?
  3. Invent a time-machine.
  4. Migrate to a rural town in Africa.
  5. Go Malaysia.


Anonymous said...

6. Invest in mutual funds for the long-term. Just learned about those last night, and can't wait to get investing!

mis_nomer said...

Ah yes. :) I've put some money in too, but all this talk about a recession in US means it has to be for the long long term...

Anonymous said...

Buy stackloads of those stamps for local use only. You'll still be able to use them in ten years times, and by then, you'll be gloating how you got your stamps at "half-price".

No, no... if you buy a $1 stamp today, it'll let you post a letter to the moon, but 60 years from now, it'll only get you as far as the pimply kid next door. So you're worse off if you pay for the stamp today and only use it when you're a doddering dear :) It doesn't even get you interest!

Tho' I'm quite tickled by the fact that you mention Africa and then Malaysia!


mis_nomer said...

Ah M, you see, I don't mean denomination stamps, but rather those stamps that say "For Local Use Only". I bought a bunch about five years ago for $0.21 each and I can still use it today even though it costs $0.26 to send local mail now. I actually called the post office to ask if I had to top up the amount, but they said no. :) I'm pro-active like that.

By the way, thanks for stopping by! Appreciate your comments. :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, so! Smartypants :)


mis_nomer said...

Why, thank you! My pants are very flattered.

But the post office is always one step ahead. SAM machines now print stamps with ink that FADES with time. So...

Anonymous said...

Now this is a point of principle: we must prevail! What if you bought them now, sealed them in a ziplock bag and --I dunno-- stuck 'em in the fridge to keep out the humidity? Must be exposure to the elements or repeated handling that makes the text fade.

I'm really getting into this, aren't I!