Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

ITB is my bane

Ran 4.5km at 10km/hr and when I stepped off the treadmill, there it was again, like an old friend, but this time, in my good leg. My good leg! What do I need to do? Realign my hips, or what??


Anonymous said...

Hey there, just came across your blog by chance. Love your articles on running. Haven't had a chance to read the rest of your postings yet. What's ITB anyways?

Anonymous said...

Hi elephant socks, thanks for stopping by. :) ITB stands for illiotibial band. It is on the outside of the knee. Mine hurts when I run..

Do you run?

Anonymous said...

hi misnomer,

Thanx for the helpful article on ITB. It certainly looks painful. Yes, like you I did the Bay Bridge 12k. I'm going for the Standchart Half in Dec. Probably bitten off more than I can chew when I signed up so I'm training like hell. Would you be running in this race as well?

Anonymous said...

You can do it! I think it'll be fun. :) I was planning to do the half in Cambodia actually—it's on the same weekend as Stan Chart— but may not be able to do so 'cos of leave, and it may be too late to sign up for Stan Chart now...

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm back. Went to HK for business. Thanx for your confidence in my Standchart 1/2. Grossly unfounded but much appreciated all the same. 1/2 marathon in Cambodia? Wow, don't you need to watch for land mines?...just kidding!
Last time I checked, the Standchart run is still open for signing up. Hope to see your next post on running!