Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

No guts!

I'm so chicken. I really want to go for this macromedia-java-all-in-one-course but i don't dare to ask my boss. I have the email all typed out already, and I know that the most he can say is no, but the email is still penitently sitting in my draft folder.


colinrt said...

go for it! hit the send button.. nothing ventured and all that... keeping my fingers crossed for a positive response... :)

Anonymous said...

so, did you follow your own advice yet? (do, don't think)?

mis_nomer said...

frankly, "do, don't think" is very bad advice. It gets you into all kinds of trouble.

but as far as emailing my boss, i did hit the send button after that post, and he has approved of me taking the course. :) Yippee!

colinrt said...

wooohooo! :D
how many days will the course last? you lucky thang...
when you get back, i suppose i can expect to find a much snazzier blog with all the bells and whistles over here... ;-)

once, again... congratulations on snagging that course!! and keep pushing the boundaries from now on... ask for bigger things...

in the meanwhile, i'll keep on making incremental baby-step changes to mine... can't seem to leave the design alone as is... always tweaking it... dunno why that is... hmmm... itchy fingers, i reckon... or a case of severe blog envy... there are some really well put-together blogs out there...

mis_nomer said...

four full days. grin. i don't know if i want to improve on this one cos it is so rambly, if you know what i mean. if i want a "real" website, i'll need a theme.

it's a shame blogger doesn't support categories.

colinrt said...

four days? that's truly glorious...

sorry, not up to speed with everything bloggy but what's categories do?

anyway, i think i've reached saturation point for my blog tweaking after several frenetic weeks...
have moved on and will be working on a mock up... let you have a peek when it's ready... : )

mis_nomer said...

After each post, there is an option to specify a category for your post (e.g. sports, food, gripes etc.) and when you click on a post with that particular category, all the posts in it pop up.

At least I don't think blogger supports it, without having to create different sites and posting simultaneously to different sites, which is possible too. Do you have any ideas how to get around this?

colinrt said...

sorry, blogger's truly lacking in this department...

one way is to hard code the articles yourself into topic groupings in your template... is unsatisfactory as it can be a real bother... i've done one for my entire blog to an offsite webpage which i've linked on the blog (see Full Archive in the Between Stops section)

alternatively, you could get a search engine like FreeFind at (like what I've done with the site search section)
they index all the words found in your site up to a certain point in time... then you have to simply update it by getting their bots to sweep your blog for new additions every two weeks or so to keep it up to date...

but again, not the same functionality as categories sadly... : (

colinrt said...

GOOD NEWS!!! Movable Type 3.1 supports subcategories...
The new category management interface in 3.1 gives you fine-grained control over the organization and display of your posts. You can easily create new subcategories, and move a subcategory from one parent category to another using a sleek, intuitive interface. Not only that, the subcategory support is extremely powerful, because it builds upon David Raynes' SubCategories plugin and thus inherits all of the tags included in that plugin. David has done a great job helping us integrate the plugin into the core Movable Type engine.
click herethe not so good news is that you need to have your own server space to dump the thing into..

and it costs USD$69.95...