Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

$1.21 saved (which is more than the refund)

Cycled to work today in just under 26 minutes which is less than the time it usually takes by public transport. Whoo hoo!

I only decided to cycle this morning. Perhaps the article I read yesterday in Runner's World about the benefits of exercising at "Lactate Threshold" played a part. I rarely run fast or far enough to feel the lactic acid buildup in my legs. Cycling, on the other hand, builds up lactic acid fast.

Last weekend, I went cycling on the road that parallels the Changi Airport runway. Now, that is a long, unending road. When you're on the plane it takes like no time at all. But when you are pumping away from lamp post to lamp post, feeling your thighs slowly turn to concerete, that's a different matter altogether. I could barely walk the next two days, my calves were aching that bad.

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