Pencil Shavings

Monday, May 16, 2005

sleek swimmers & crazy runners


PlaceTime (mins)Distance (km)Pace (km/h)
Monday, May 16, 2005Barker45.67.29.5

By the end of the run, I look like a xiao zha boh (mad woman). Half of my hair is already out of the red rubber band, flapping against my face as I run. I absent-mindedly hook the hair back behind my ear, only to have it fall over my face 30 seconds later. In fact, I don't notice it when it flaps against my face -- I am in that much pain -- it is only later in the lift, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflective doors that I realise what I must have been doing -- hooking and rehooking my crazy flapping hair.

Of course when I finish my run I feel so victorious I think I am the sleekest and best body around. I go and do my push-ups and what-nots by the benches overlooking the pool. It is only when the young men and woman emerge from their effortless butterfly strokes, reflecting the evening sun on their tanned and toned bodies, that I realise my victory is purely internal. Too bad I don't like swimming, otherwise I can emerge with a wet and powerful body like them, and not like the dripping smelly xiao zha boh that I look.


smudgi3 said...

ah... now i have a reason to tell people when they ask me why i swim and don't run.

mis_nomer said...

yah man... that's a good enough reason for anyone.