Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Actiontastic sync problem

[As Gwynne says, this is the most sophisticated form of procrastination.]

I have a problem with syncing Actiontastic with iCal. I think it is an issue of a corrupt database. I removed the database (delete Library> Application support > Actiontastic) and synced it again, and to my horror, it deleted all my tasks in iCal with narry a warning! My heart skipped a beat.

I reinstated the database, synced it again, and it populated iCal with my current tasks, but of course it couldn't replicate the tasks that I had dragged into my calendar the last six months. I backed up the database and reverted it to a version two weeks ago, but in the end I decided not to go with that version and went back to the current version without past "task-events", 'cos I suppose when it comes down to it, I choose the future over the past.

In any case, I'm traumatised enough to steer clear of Actiontastic for now. Right now it keeps hanging every time I try to make a change. Worrisome. 'cos I don't have a way of organising my projects without Actiontastic. Eventually I will try to fix it again, but this time, I'll back up my database right before I do any syncing. Perhaps there is truth that wisdom comes with experience! Knowing me, I'll fiddle with it again this afternoon...

(I'm such a nutcase. I say things like "choose the future over the past" and "wisdom comes with experience" in a post about syncing.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me why I stick with a text file at work, and paper at home.

I'm frequently tempted by things like Actiontastic and Yojimbo and OmniOutliner. So tempting... I was seriously considering Yojimbo again this week.

Gwynne's right, by the way. And it takes one to know one. :-)

mis_nomer said...

I'm too smitten with mac productivity tools... Sigh. I've lost my database twice already in the last six months, but what to do... I'm smitten....