Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

motto for the day..

do, don't think.


colinrt said...

hi there,

hope things are going well for you today...

added a comment on tsking in response to... erm... your deleted comment which was quite funny...

btw... ever thought of contracting your nick to just Ms Nomer?... somewhat like the movie, Miss Congeniality... just an idea... :)


mis_nomer said...

hiya. hope things are going well for you too. :)

i did mean for it to have that innuendo, but i've never thought of shortening it and making it more obvious.

mis_nomer is awkward and gawkish compared with the sexier Ms Nomer, but it is kinda nice to be a square plug in a round hole too, which fits in with the idea of a misnamed moniker.

Will keep your suggestion in mind though! :)