Pencil Shavings

Monday, June 06, 2005

Catch Me If You Can

I think this may be the first book I read where I actually preferred the movie. My favourite chapters were the chapters on forgery and the intricacies of the cheque numbering system; the least favourite were the ones on the doctor and the lawyer scam.

Frank Abergnale is really quite a remarkable man. He has guts like a bullet train, and is not totally without morals. For example he never cheats individuals, only large banks and MNCs. There is something Robin Hoodian in this policy that is very appealing to the working class. Surely the public will cheer if I were to cheat LTA or ST or GV of some money right now. But I have too many scruples.

1 comment:

thc said...

I don't think I'd even heard of this film until it hit HBO/Showtime where I've watched it at least twice. It's a very interesting story.