Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What does your screen name say of you?

from lancerlord

What is the hidden meaning in your name?

This is what my real name means: Building, Planner, Manager, Solid, Stable, Security, Traditional, Practical, Hard work, Systematic, Cautious, Organization, Discipline, Thriftiness, Groundedness

And this is what "mis_nomer" means: Reevaluating, The inner life, Solitary, Loner, Mystical, Deep, Philosophical, Analytical, Intuitive, Perfectionist, Specialization, Skeptical, Privacy, Retreat, Sanctuary, Contemplation, Recuperation, Eccentricity

Interesting, isn't it? Perhaps it points to the gulf between what I feel I ought to be, and what I want to be?

Also, a snippet from shawn cuthill's life:

Lukas: Daddy, can we make a list of vegetables?
Daddy: OK, which ones.
Lukas: Tomatoes...carrots....
Daddy: What about apples?Lukas: No they are fruits :)
Daddy (proud of his son's ability to tell the difference between fruits & vegetables): Good Lukas, what's another vegetable?!?
Lukas: Chicken nuggets

1 comment:

Shawn Cuthill said...

I know I would be famous for something my kids said or did :)