Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

If you shave off the topmost bits of my thoughts,

this is what you'll get.

I update this blog with personal trivia regularly. It doesn't matter that I don't have anything to say; I usually can find the words to fill up a post, even if the final product is meaningless.

Personal trivia #1
I went to work late today, like 11:30am late. It reminds me of how I used to skip school in JC. I remember once when I was already on the bus to school and I deliberately missed my bus stop, ending up at Bukit Gombak Bus Station. I found a MacDonald's there and sat there having breakfast and writing an overdue history essay. Overdue history essays were the bane of my JC life!

Personal trivia #2
My colleague-buddy whom I have lunch with every day is leaving to study in Australia. Very sad. The other day, the colleague-buddy got invited out for lunch by some other department at work so I had lunch alone. Another colleague-acquaintance saw me and said, "You alone today?" I didn't realise lunch partners were that conspicuous.

Personal trivia #3
Vitagen's L. Casei Shirota looks like a condom.

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