Pencil Shavings

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Need to

Need to, want to, have to run today, but it looks like it isn't going to happen, because it it 6:45pm and I am still at work. Unless I am super-motivated and go for a midnight run, I'll either have to be super-motivated and go for a really early morning run tomorrow, which isn't likely either. Help, I feel fat and unfit!


Anonymous said...

Hallo, where is the post card u were supposed to send me for winning your "hope" competition? I've emailed u at gmail. Shall I then "wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing"? Guess where this comes from and u needn't give me the prize after all.

mis_nomer said...

always hope :)

"the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting" :)

Anonymous said...

OK, we're quits. Go run towards something, not run away from things!