Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The third day of Chinese New Year

On the first day of CNY I had plenty of ang pow.
(red packets with money inside)

On the second day of CNY I had da pen chai.
(big pot of vegetables)

On the third day of CNY I stayed at home.
(stayed at home)

On the fourth day of CNY....

I found out while visiting that the first thing you ate on the first day of Chinese New Year will determine your luck for the rest of the year. I had to think very hard back to Sunday, and then I realised, to my horror, that the first thing I put in my mouth was a cup of very bitter milk coffee. Oh dear me.

I also plan to clean out my room today since I am home. Sweeping and cleaning is also a big no-no this festive period because you'll be sweeping away your "luck". Too bad for my "luck" this year. At this point, I'll rather have a clean room.

Hooray for four-day weekends!!


Anonymous said...

Don't believe the superstitions! Your luck is what you make of your life, and eating bitter stuff will not lead to bitter episodes the rest of the year, unless you allow them to happen. Have a happy year! Have a happy life! L

mis_nomer said...

Happy new year to you too L!