Pencil Shavings

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Weekend

Went for a run at MacRitchie on Sunday evening. The plan was to run from MacRitchie through to Upper Bukit Timah, walk up Bukit Timah Hill, and end with prata and milo dinosaur (see pic on right, courtesy of VT), but it wasn't meant to be. One-third way through, it started pouring. First the thunder, then the sirens, then big fat drops of rain. We (the wimpy sorts) took shelter at the country club and waited for the rain to stop. So we cut the 9.5km run down to 5km, and ended with prata and teh tarik at Upper Thomson instead.

The moral of the story? It doesn't matter how far or how long you run, there is always prata and milo dinosaur waiting at the end of the road, unless it happens to be Hari Raya.

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