Pencil Shavings

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A good week

I'm feeling pretty good about what I accomplished this week. I've marked 68 compositions and 49 letters. Being a runner, it felt natural for me to keep track of my stats, i.e. minutes per script. When I first started, I was doing compos at about 13.3 min/script. Now I can mark a letter at 5 min/script and compos at 6.6 min/ script. It is helpful to know your rate 'cos when you hit, say, 10 min/ script, you know it is time to quit for the day and go to bed.

It is incredible how in an hour and 45 minutes, they can generate for me 48 hours of work. 48 hours is calculated at 10 mins/ script. I'm crossing my fingers that it will take me less time than that, 'cos I wouldn't be able to make the deadline without having to stay up all night if I mark at that rate.

Anyway, let me leave you with a gem of a mistake from one of these scripts.

"I am the only child in my family so my mother did not beat me just naked for a few days and forget about it."


colinrt said...

truly priceless indeed... and don't worry... your marking speed will increase over time as you develop your scanning ability... jia1you2!!!

mis_nomer said...

Thank you TOT... I'm being swamped. Ack!