Pencil Shavings

Friday, May 25, 2007

Woe is me

My Address Book is lost. Every single contact in it disappeared during an isync, save for three: Apple Computer, Me, and one new contact I had added today. Woe! Woe! At first I thought — no worries, I've backed it up; but no, I have apparently backed-up my iCal data FIVE times, but I've never done it for Address Book. How did I manage to overlook that?

At first I didn't realise that the problem with with my wiped out database on my Mac as I noticed the problem first on my mobile phone. Thinking that it was a problem with the data in my phone, I synced it again, effectively closing the door to this workaround as my data in the .previous is exactly the same as the .data file.

Others have experienced exactly the same thing. It doesn't make me feel any better.

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