Pencil Shavings

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Mailboxer for Apple Mail

The search function in email applications has improved dramatically over the years. So much so that I've gradually done away with the laborious task of manually organising my emails into folders, or even creating complicated rules so that my inbox with be sorted in a sensible way. Instead, I rely on spotlight to find the email I want.

But this means that at least once a day, I'm typing in the name of my boss into the search bar to look for a particular email or attachment.

Mailboxer changes all of that.

Mailboxer is a pretty sweet utility that helps you create Smart Mailboxes in Apple Mail according to your smart groups in Address Group. What does this mean? It means that the next time I need to look for an email from my boss, all I need to do is to click on the boss' name in my smart mailbox folder, and it will do the necessary.

Alright. This is how you get started.

1. Fire up Address Book.
2. Create a new Smart Group. Add the emails you want to be in that Smart Group. Remember to choose "any" of the following conditions from the top drop-down menu.

3. Download Mailboxer.
4. Run Mailboxer from your Applications Folder.
5. Select the Smart Group you created in Address Book. Choose the name you would like it to appear as in Apple Mail.

6. Click "Create Smart Mailboxes".
7. That would create a Smart Mailbox in Apple Mail.

I have a Smart Mailbox for Friends and one for Work. Mailboxer also has the option of creating individual smart mailboxes for all the contacts in your Address Book, but that's a little over the top for me.

When you need to change any of the contacts in your Smart Mailbox, just edit your Smart Group in Address Book and run Mailboxer again. When you are tired of being so organised, you can delete the Smart Mailboxer with just one click.

Mailboxer is donation-ware.

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