Just a few links and I'll be on my way.
Wai, of Fire and Light, went on snake-catching expedition at Sungei Buloh and came away with 35 dog-faced water snakes and a bite on her hand. The way she wrote about the snake bite like mosquito bite like that. Completely beyond me.
Flickr's Interestingness is addictive. (Oh dear, that's the second time I'm using the word addictive today...)
Did you know that magick is a different word from magic? I didn't, not until I stumbled on this wikipedia article.
Because the words are almost identical and the spelling of "magick" has not yet been widely accepted, some people are not aware of the differences and, indeed, think they are the same. Therefore when a witch fails to impress with a feat similar to the sleight-of-hand trick of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, magick is dismissed as phoney. However, if one is to make comparisons, it would be more accurate to compare magick to prayer in other religions, not sleight of hand. Just as a Christian wouldn't expect to offer a prayer and open his eyes to see his wish immediately fulfilled by God, neither does a witch cast a spell and expect to look up to see some sort of miraculous result.
Cowboy Caleb uses the word magick so:
Attending christian magick shows featuring pastors with sorcerous powers and warlock abilities
That's just a little scary. I suppose he meant that satirically because the "Christian magick shows" he refers to isn't at all about magick but about
Hey I like Interestingness too!
Hi Misnomer: It's "sleight of hand", not "slight of hand". Trust yours was a typo?
Interestingess is addictive stuff :)
Thanks anon!
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