Pencil Shavings

Monday, July 18, 2005

On anonymity and paranoia

Thank you canopy, smudgi3, trainofthot and lancerlord for your comments in the previous post. You guys are really sweet. I'm sorry about being such a drama-queen. I guess I just freaked out 'cos I absent-mindedly left a link to this page when I created an MSN "My Space", not knowing that "My Space" is automatically linked to MSN messenger and visible to all my contacts. I had this MSN conversation with my sister:

Sis: I've finally figured out what the yellow asterix beside your name is!
Me: Really? What?
Sis: It means that you have updated comments on your blog that I haven't read!


(realization hits like a ten ton brick)

Not sure what my problem is - I suppose I'm paranoid of being stalked, and blog-stalking is the most insidious kind. I certainly don't mind my sister or close friends reading this, but other people, I'm not so sure. The content in this blog, while not intimate, is very personal. Which is why I will probably never attend the Singapore blogger's conference, unless I like settle down in life, and finally, finally, have nothing to hide.

But I won't be closing this blog -- too infatuated with writing posts, reading your posts, commenting and being commented on. So sorry for all the hullabaloo.


Unknown said...

I learn new word "hullabaloo". Cool. Sorry huh my vocab very limited one. :)

colinrt said...

glad u decided to stay... life in cyberspace wd have been a little more boring without your presence... looks like we've already lost siren for good... and me, well, i've been toying with the idea of restarting my blog... altho i don't think i can devote as much time to it as i used to... :-(

mis_nomer said...

lancerlord - hullabaloo has interesting etymology: perhaps from hallo + Scots balloo, interj. used to hush children.

Oh, and I learn new things from yr blog all the time.

trainofthot - restart! why not? :)