Pencil Shavings

Friday, June 30, 2006

Free stuff I cannot do without: Firefox

Firefox is a drool-worthy browser. There are so many features that are worth an entire post on their own, such as draggable tabed browsing, the find feature, bookmarks that support a RSS feed, and the wonder of wonders, firefox quick searches.

Tabbed browsing
Firefox allows you to open new pages in tabs which means that you don't have to constantly go to your toolbar to check what pages you have open. The new version also allows you to drag your tabs and rearrange them, which is plan nifty. You can also set your home page to be series of tabs instead of a single page. I love tabs! Tabbing shortcuts:

Ctrl-TOpens a blank page on a new tab
Click scroll buttonOpens clicked page in a new tab
Ctrl-clickOpens clicked page in a new tab

Quick Searches
Ever since I switched to firefox, I do all my searching through the address bar. To set up quick searches, go to the search engine you frequent, for example Google. Right-click on the search bar and choose "Add a keyword for this search".

Type in a name you want to call this search and a keyword (Google, g) and save it under "Quick searches" (that's where I save mine anyway). The next time you want to search for something in google, go to the address bar, type in "g searchterm", hit enter, and you're all set. I've search terms set up for Amazon, google images, google calculator, national library, wikipedia, bible gateway, street directory etc.

Live bookmarks
Live bookmarks are easy to add. Go to "Bookmarks", "Manage Bookmarks", "File", "Add New Live Bookmark". Type in the RSS feed and there you go. (To get the feed, right click on the RSS icon of the page you want and click properties. Copy the link.)

Firefox Scrapbook
ScrapBook is a Firefox extension that helps you to save Web pages and manage the collection. Good for research!

Other shortcuts

Ctrl-BOpens Bookmarks
Ctrl-FOpens "Find"
Ctrl-GFinds next occurrence of search term
Alt-KOpens Scrapbook Panel

Next post: Google Calculator


Anonymous said...

wat other extensions are u using? just the one? my firefox is starting to get bloated with extensions -- actually slowing it down.

mis_nomer said...

Yes, it is the only extension I use. What do you use? Any must-haves?

Anonymous said...

session saver is a definite, saves your browser session so u can just leave tabs as they are to come back to another day.
quite a few more, i think i'll do a post on it soon.

mis_nomer said...

Will check back on your site for the post. :)