Pencil Shavings

Friday, December 10, 2004


This is going to be a bunch of short unrelated paragraphs.

I suck with CD Covers. Colleague gave me a CD for Christmas and because I wasn't too excited about Chinese Christmas songs, I left it on my desk for a week. Today, when I picked it up, I noticed that the cover was already cracked inside the unopened plastic wrapping.

My colleagues are inept. I spent the morning blazing my way through people left out of the loop in distribution lists, vague and "intuitive" organisation charts, complaints about dirty premises, typos online etc. After a flurry of activity and telephone-use (fuelled by coffee nonetheless), I'm left with 5 distribution lists and an attitude the size of Mt Kinabalu.

No one reads this site. Have you read the Born Loser comic where he installs a brand-new answering machine only to find that no one calls him anyway? That's me. I installed a spiffy StatCounter only to find out how pathetically unpopular I am. For those who are genetically destined for popularity, try out StatCounter. It's really neat - gives you the countries your visitors are from, entry pages, time your vistors spend on your site etc. For those like me, install it and then give me your web address and I'll visit your site to get your numbers up. :)

I am going for a run. Just because I can. At MacRitchie, in the setting sun, on a Friday night, with the turtles.


The Lonely Runner said...

Hi Gotcha!

I remembered I went to your blog before! No wonder ur nick very familiar! Aniwei, thanks for the e-mail!

Take care when u run at MacRitchie! Keep on Running! :)

colinrt said...

Hi there!

Sorry for my long lay-off... Office party's finally over, and I heave a huge sigh of relief that it went off fairly smoothly and that most people enjoyed themselves... I have the darn Stats counter too... it's got great detail but yeah... demoralising if your numbers are down... try registering your blog on all the major blog directories... including Yahoo... that way you get more coverage... another strategy is to have a very solid metacontent tag at the top of your template.... it goes somthing like this:
(left angle bracket)META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="a description of your blog, what it's about, where are you located, etc and all other pertinent terms people searching with a search engine will stumble over"(right angle bracket) check out mine if you can... do a "view source"