Pencil Shavings

Friday, December 17, 2004

non-fat, low-fat, dairy-fat, fat

I was scrounging around the yougurt section in the supermarket looking for yakult when I overheard this, "NON-fat. Yours is LOW-fat. NON-fat has NO FAT. LOW FAT has FAT. You understand or not?" I turned around and saw this self-righteous woman brandishing a cup of yoghurt at an older lady, presumably her mother-in-law.

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes at the same time (quite a feat), I turned back to my friend to see if she caught that exchange. As I turned back, I caught sight of NON-fat woman's husband and daughter, which just about threw me off my feet. Her 3-year old daughter was as fat as a very pudgey dwarf, and she was being pushed around by the husband in an empty shopping cart, like the overfed heir in an overweight nation.


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