Pencil Shavings

Monday, December 27, 2004

Tsunami in South Asia

It's disconcerting. After a wonderful Christmas weekend eating, talking and laughing with friends, I come back to the headlines "Tsunami death toll keeps rising". At last count, 4,500 dead in Sri Lanka, 4,400 in Indonesia, 289 Thailand, 2,300 India, 42 Malaysia, which comes up to 11,530 total. And this figure doesn't even include the injured and homeless.

It doesn't make sense. How can all of that devastation happen so close to us and for me to be completely ignorant of it? I almost feel guilty I live in Singapore, protected by the large land masses of Indonesia and Malaysia. Is it happy concidence, the blessing of God, or just the way the grain falls?

If you pray, please pray for God's mercy and for the recovery process.


colinrt said...


Yep, I know exactly what you mean... I also didn't find out till quite late in the evening... in fact, I think all the local news organisations must have been on skeleton crew or something on Boxing Day because there were no news flashes or anything till late...

Re: protected by land masses... got to thank Stamford Raffles for that one, I think... his foresight in choosing a sheltered, deep-water port location out of the thousands of islands in the Indonesian archipelago to start a trading colony is nothing short of genius... how he got here must have been with some help from the divine...

colinrt said...


Yep, I know exactly what you mean... I also didn't find out till quite late in the evening... in fact, I think all the local news organisations must have been on skeleton crew or something on Boxing Day because there were no news flashes or anything till late...

Re: protected by land masses... got to thank Stamford Raffles for that one, I think... his foresight in choosing a sheltered, deep-water port location out of the thousands of islands in the Indonesian archipelago to start a trading colony is nothing short of genius... how he got here must have been with some help from the divine...

mis_nomer said...
