Pencil Shavings

Monday, December 13, 2004

measured in strides

New Jogging Route Calculator. I'm so so so pumped! has a NEW jogging route calculator! It is very easy to use - you plot your route on the map with anchor points and the calculator spits out the route distance! Yesterday, S and I took a "sightseeing" jog from Kallang to Bishan. According to the calculator, we ran 6.669km. Which comes out to be about the same as my usual string-on-map method (6.6km). Oh how I wish I could post the pictures on this site, but for fear of getting sued, this pic is the best I can do.

Kallang to Bishan. It was a great jog. It feels so much more productive than Barker cos you actually get somewhere at the end of it, rather than simply circling round and round and finishing where you began. We bumped into some friends and Bishan and they were suitably awed that we came from Kallang. It isn't really that far apart (unlike the distance between the infamous 12 Apostles and Waddling Penguins) but I think there is that perception because the train takes a longer and less direct route. I'll have to find some way to tuck an extra Tshirt to change into the next time I do this.

M25 Ultra Marathon. As many laps you can run (each lap 10km) in 12 hours. Unbelievable. Who are these amazing people?

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