Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Jogging and Cycling

On Sunday I went for a jog starting from AMK central and ending at Lower Pierce. It was a 5.01km jog. I went jogging with my buddy S. It was one of those untalkative jogs, where our panting over-rided all possibility of conversation. We don't usually jog like this, but I think we were both up to pushing our limits that evening. I have to say though that we didn't push ourselves quite hard enough (if we want to do the half marathon at the end of the year), but it was a faster jog than usual. We caught up on our conversation on our 5km walk back to Central. It was a friendly, comfortable time. Took bus 851 to City Hall. 851 is now my bus of choice. :)

In the past two weeks, I also ran with my sister. We did three runs together, and one time we cycled. Two of the runs were on the treadmill - she beat me once and I beat her once. We are so competitive, it's hilarious! Not say cut-throat competitive, but sisterly type of competition. S and I are so not that way at all, although it is true that she jogs more when she isn't with me. The cycle at night was a great time. I missed her this past year, I miss her still, but I'm intensely grateful for things like MSN and SMS and phone lines that make this world that much smaller.

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