Pencil Shavings

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Why target cigarettes and spare liquor?

Read this in The Straits Times Interactive today (Mar 3, 2005).

SOME of Mr Ong Ah Heng's (Nee Soon Central) older constituents had a sneaky suspicion there was a hidden agenda when the Government raised duties on cigarettes and not on liquor.

These older residents, for whom smoking is one of their few pleasures, asked him if it was because ministers and MPs do not smoke but still enjoyed their drink, he said as colleagues chuckled.

The quick response from Acting Second Finance Minister Raymond Lim, also brought laughter in the House, including from Mr Ong.

'As Mr Ong has alluded to liquor duties, I would like to assure him that when we decide to raise duties, be it on tobacco or any other items, we always do so soberly.'


colinrt said...


just dropped by after another spell away from the bloggyverse...
my mum's in town for CNY (from Perth) and have been taking her about... looks like you've been having fun on the MRT... dont worry... it's just a lot of sound and fury - nothing more than hot air... ;-D

mis_nomer said...
